Soil Water Matrix | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Phytoremediation of chromium from tannery wastewater using local plant species
Phytoremediation, which is an emerging technology for cleaning up contaminated sites, is cost effective and has aesthetic advantages and long term applicability. The technology involves efficient use of plant species to remove, detoxify or immobilize contaminants in a growth matrix (soil, water or sediments) through natural processes. For this study, swamp smartweed (Polygonum coccineum), ...
Cleaners concentration using foam height
SUMMARY The foam level is proportional to the concentration of the cleaner. The concentration of each cleaner (Micro-90, Micro Green Clean, Micro A07, Surface-Cleanse/930, and Zymit Pro) may be ...
Upcoming ESdat Online and Server Update (v4)
Version 4 of ESdat Online and ESdat Server represents a significant improvement in functionality compared with Version 3. Most significantly it now supports: Bulk editing of Locations, Wells and Chemistry Samples; Significantly improved ...
Equipment & Solutions
Soil Compression Testing Apparatus Set
In many land use systems all over the world soil deformation is a major problem due to increasing land use intensity. On arable soils machine traffic is continuously intensified with respect to load and wheeling frequency leading to (sub-)soil compaction and deeper soil degradation concerning hydrologic or pneumatic functions. Altered soil functions, in particular reduced hydraulic conductivities ...