Piezometers | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Prefabricated Vertical Drains to dissipate excess pore pressures during Dynamic Compaction of Clayey Sands with 30-45% Fines Content
ABSTRACT: A proposed Electric Vehicle (EV) assembling facility, located in the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand, required soil improvement to enhance the mechanical properties of the clayey sands (SC). Albeit not the ideal soils for energy densification, Dynamic Compaction (DC) + Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD's) were chosen as the most suitable Soil Improvement technique to increase the strength ...
AGORA: Optimization of the catchment area of the 100,000 m³/day line in Bordeaux - Case Study
The objective of this study, carried out on behalf of Bordeaux Métropole, was to identify the best trade-off between exploitation and impact of the water resource located south of Bordeaux by ...
Upcoming ESdat Online and Server Update (v4)
Version 4 of ESdat Online and ESdat Server represents a significant improvement in functionality compared with Version 3. Most significantly it now supports: Bulk editing of Locations, Wells and Chemistry Samples; Significantly improved ...
Equipment & Solutions
CPT Crawler Truck
The CPT crawler-truck is a CPT penetrometer rig based on a truck-chassis provided with a crawler undercarriage. The crawler-truck has been designed to execute soil mechanical research based on static Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) techniques in an efficient manner. By means of the penetrometer pusher, installed in the centre of gravity of the CPT crawler-truck, either an electrical or mechanical ...