Personal Gas Monitoring
Articles & Whitepapers
Exposure limits and worker safety - Knowing the correct detection method
Exposure limits and worker safety: Choosing the right personal or portable gas detector Worker health and safety laws have come a long way in recent years. Even in the last few decades introductions of PPE (personal protective equipment), safer working conditions, and limits on exposure to dangerous chemicals and gases have become commonplace. A key part of being able to ensure these safety ...
South West water maintains a reliable fleet with iNet - Case Study
Challenge Personal gas monitors are required to protect employees from hazardous gases while conducting work across a number of South West Water’s drinking water and waste sites. The ...
SF6 leaking flanges
· LOCATE SF6 gas leaks on flanges with the EMT Leak Hunter portable gas leak detector · ANALYSE gas purity, moisture and by-products with the EMT Zerowaste Rapide+ the EMT Moisture Pro and EMT Verify · ...
Equipment & Solutions
Compact Bump
EcoBump is our latest and most compact bump gas solution that enables quick and easy bump testing for our range of gas detection products. Importantly, bump testing is the only way to validate that gas detectors will respond to gas and trigger user alarms. Measuring only 7.2” (180mm) in height (including the push button regulator), the pocket-sized EcoBump can easily be stored and ...