Passive Sampling | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Fenceline Monitoring of Benzene in Refineries Using OMNI-2100 - Case Study
Background: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1, undetected leaks (aka fugitive emissions) are a significant source of pollution and can emanate from industry, refineries, energy production, and natural gas pipelines. Fixing these leaks can protect workers and nearby communities, reduce operating costs for companies, and assist regulators with implementing source emissions ...
Aeration’s Importance in Wastewater Treatment
Microbes are the backbone of an aerobic wastewater treatment system, and they need oxygen to work efficiently Biological wastewater treatment is an economical alternative to chemical and mechanical ...
Effects of Intraborehole Flows
Two new research papers published in 2019, by an Australian research group led by David Poulsen, build on earlier work by McMillan et al (2014) and others in improving our understanding of the depth origin of water samples collected from ...
Equipment & Solutions
Highly Efficient Homogenization System
The SpeedMill PLUS is a highly efficient homogenization system for various starting materials used for the subsequent isolation and purification of DNA, RNA or proteins. The homogenization process is based on an innovative mechanical principle for which a patent has been filed. This new process allows users to operate the SpeedMill PLUS continuously if necessary. The high efficiency of energy ...