Particle LSDA | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Pegasor AQ Indoor - White Paper
What needs to be measured from indoor air? Today there is no legislation for indoor air ultrafine particle (UFP) concentration. Particulate matter found indoors will include particles of outdoor origin that migrate indoors and particles that originate from indoor sources. Indoor Particulate Matter (PM) can be generated through cooking, combustion activities (including burning of candles, use of ...
Pegasor AQ Urban - White Paper
What needs to be measured from outdoor air? Today legislative measurements from outdoor air are based on mass. TSP (mass of Total Suspended Particles, PM10 (mass of particles below 10 microns in ...
testo NanoMet3: The Golden Instrument for Real Driving Emissions RDE
With an eye on Real Driving Emissions (RDE) proposed in forthcoming European Emission Standards for the type approval of light-duty vehicles, Testo SE & Co. KGaAhas unveiled an innovative portable instrument for solid nanoparticle counting and ...
Equipment & Solutions
The Dekati High Resolution ELPI+ (Electrical Low Pressure Impactor, HR-ELPI+) is an improved version of the widely used ELPI+ instrument. The High Resolution ELPI+ utilizes a data inversion algorithm that gives real-time particle size distribution in up to 500 size classes 6 nm – 10 μm. Other High Resolution ELPI+ features include wide particle sample concentration range, robust ...