HPLC Maintenance | Environmental XPRT
Agilent Technologies launches CrossLab HPLC supplies portfolio and services
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today introduced CrossLab HPLC supplies and services. The new offerings help improve the performance and productivity of non-Agilent instruments while reducing administrative burdens with a single-source solution. ...
Equipment & Solutions
Infinity Binary Liquid Chromatography Systems
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Binary LC is not only the most powerful but also the most adaptive UHPLC system available. No matter what your laboratory requires, the 1290 Infinity Binary LC can handle the widest range of applications; UHPLC methods, legacy HPLC methods, HPLC-to-UHPLC method transfer, method development, multi-compound screening, LC/MS coupling, and many more. Most adaptive – ...