Gradiometers | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Potential-Field Methods
Magnetic Surveys Designed and performed a total-field magnetometer survey of a 26-acre wood-waste landfill in Omak, Washington. This magnetic survey was designed to detect buried metallic debris to a depth of 12 feet and was augmented by an EM-34 soil conductivity (soil mapping) survey. Total Field Magnetic Survey - Omak, WashingtonDesigned and performed (utilizing a total-field magnetometer) a ...
ESA launches GOCE - heralds new chapter in Earth observation
This week, the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) was lofted into a near-Sun-synchronous, low Earth orbit by a Rockot launcher lifting off from the Plesetsk ...
Equipment & Solutions
Potassium Magnetometer for High Precision and Accuracy
The most sensitive, commercially available magnetometer is the Potassium magnetometer/gradiometer system. The GSMP-35 ground system is the highest sensitivity with the greatest absolute accuracy instrument for subsurface investigations in numerous fields, including, but not limited to, mineral prospecting and exploration, oil & gas exploration, UXO detection and discrimination, and ...