Geomechanics | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Predictions of Groundwater Inflow to Sublevel Stope Mining - Case Study
Project Description This project involved simulating the proposed open pits and underground mining of the Aurora Mine in Guyana, predicting potential inflow rates into the pits and underground workings, and providing pore‐pressure distributions to the geomechanical model. OFFICE U.S. Denver Itasca Denver, Inc. INDUSTRIES CLIENT NAME Guyana Goldfields LOCATION Guyana SOFTWARE ...
Rock Mechanics Pre-Feasibility Studies
Project Description When starting a new mine, whether it's a open pit or an underground mine, the designer faces many challenges! One of these is the understanding of rock mass conditions and how ...
NETL Researchers Work to Unlock Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Climate Modeling
Researchers at the U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) are helping the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) unlock the potential of an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) computing resource to perform critical climate ...
CPS Energy & Quidnet Energy to Build Grid-Scale, Long Duration, Geomechanical Pumped Storage Project
Old oil fields may be less prone to induced earthquakes, providing stable places for carbon storage
AAPG ICE 2020 Madrid - Call for Abstracts
Maccaferri’s rockfall solutions securing highway in suggestive Oman moonscape
Equipment & Solutions
Geotechnical Data Loggers
Advanced design and technology plus 25 years of geotechnical expertise have produced the dataTaker DT85GM GeoLogger – A versatile, powerful – yet low power & cost effective data logger. It support vibrating wire and other geotechnical sensors such as Slope Indicator, RST Instruments, Geokon, Soil Instruments, Roctest, AGI – Applied Geomechanics Inc. DT85GM is also capable to ...