Flue Gas | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
TRS Monitoring in the Pulp Industry
The smell associated with pulp production originates from different sulfur compounds. The most well-known is probably hydrogen sulfide, H2S (H-S-H) but there are also compounds like methyl mercaptan (CH3-S-H), dimethyl sulfide (CH3-S-CH3), and dimethyl disulfide (CH3-S-S-CH3). These four substances are collectively referred to as “total reduced sulfur”, TRS. Emissions of TRS together ...
Reliable Solution of Cubic In-Situ Laser Process Gas Analyzer Applied in Converter
During the process of steelmaking in the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF, also known as a converter), a large amount of high-temperature gas, referred to as converter gas, is produced as a by-product in ...
Countdown Begins for NEFTEGAZ 2024! What High-end Products Will FPI Showcase?
Russia, as a major oil and gas resource-rich country, has always attracted attention with its international oil and gas industry exhibition NEFTEGAZ held in Moscow. NEFTEGAZ 2024 will officially open its doors on April 15th, and FPI will be waiting ...
Enhancing Acid Production Safety: PT QMB New Energy Materials Implements FPI's LGA-4500IC Trace Gas Analyzer
ENVEA and ADAGE make the strategic decision to collaborate in the Indian AAQMS market
How to improve tire pyrolysis oil quality with pyrolysis oil distillation machine?
How to recycle plastic waste into useful products with pyrolysis machine?
Equipment & Solutions
i8-1000 Line Overview
Our flagship model is the i8-1000 line. It took over three years to develop and is at the forefront combustion technology, offering impressive burn rates and large batch sizes while still achieving some of the lowest emissions in its class. The i8-1000 can be customised with external cladding and automatic loading/de-ash to provide an effective and sustainable waste disposal solution for many ...
Upcoming Events
Arab League Solid Waste Management Summit 2024
Build Energy Efficient Digitalised,Smart HE-ULE WtE Plant