Flame Photometry | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Revised Model 410 Flame Photometer Range
The Model 410 was originally developed by Corning – some 35 plus years ago. It has earned an enviable reputation amongst those performing Flame Photometry – so much so it has been studied closely by several competitors looking for a quick route to the market for their “untried” products. Whilst Sherwood had no real desire to change this industry standard, we reached the ...
Characterization of ambient aerosols in Northern Thailand and their probable sources
The present study examines variation of ambient aerosol mass and number concentrations in Chiang Mai, Thailand during winter. Aerosol particle samples were collected and measured at four different ...
Quality control of NPK fertilizers - Rapid and reliable analysis by thermometric titration
Metrohm is pleased to present several titrimetric applications for the fast and straightforward determination of macronutrients such as sulfate, ammonium, potassium, and phosphate in NPK fertilizers. The reaction endpoint is determined using a ...
Equipment & Solutions
Flame Photometer
The BWB flame photometer is a game-changer in what is possible with a low temperature flame and our product development program has, since day one, been driven by our customer’s demands. We have strong mutually beneficial partnerships within many commercial and academic organisations that faced specific challenges that were addressed by a BWB Special flame photometer. Currently we are ...