Dredging Services | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Lagoon Maintenance Dredging every Decade
SRS Crisafulli has discovered the Rural Water Association. This winter, Troy Fercho, Frank Robinson, Tristan Hoff and I attended shows in North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, and Idaho. At these Rural Water Association Trade Shows, we promoted SRS Crisafulli's dredge equipment and rental services to assist communities in managing the long term, low cost resource of their wastewater lagoon ...
EPA update meeting on sheboygan cleanup sites march 2, 7 p.m.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a public meeting to update residents on progress at two cleanup sites in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on March 2, at the Mead Public Library, 710 N. Eighth St. ...
Equipment & Solutions
Dredge Gate Valve
Dredge Yard products are designed by using the latest 3D CAD technologies, latest production methods and testing facilities used worldwide. In addition, all designs are entirely scrutinized using Finite Element Analysis. Dredge Yard valves are designed, produced and tested under strict ISO and ASTM standards and doubled tested at third party for verification. All dredge valves are designed, ...