Downhole Surveying | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Determining the design of Buried foundations case study
Foundation Mapping Determining the three-dimensional design of foundations for telecommunications towers, buildings and road signs can be impractical and sometimes nearly impossible using conventional means. Properly applied geophysical test methods, hand probing and shallow test pits provide a very cost-effective and non-destructive approach to determining the design of foundations. GeoView has ...
Release of New Borehole Geophone String for S-Wave Tomography
Alternatively to the digital MBAS-D system the analog version of a borehole geophone string (MBAS-A) is available on the market. MBAS-A - Analogue Multistation Borehole Aqcuisition System The instrument can be used for S-wave borehole tomography or ...
Equipment & Solutions
Borehole Geophone
The borehole geophone BGK5 is used to receive P- and S-waves in dry or water filled boreholes. The borehole geophone BGK5 consists of four horizontal sensors, separated by 45° intervals, and one vertical sensor. The geophone is coupled to the borehole wall by a pneumatic clamping system (inflatable bladder). Air is supplied to the BGK5 through an electro-pneumatic hybrid cable with a Kevlar ...