Borehole Geophysics | Environmental XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Sustainable Groundwater Management in Indian Wells, CA - Case Study
Motivation The Indian Wells Valley in the Mojave Desert of California is home to the China Lake Naval Air Warfare Station, the city of Ridgecrest, and significant agricultural and mining interests. Residents and industries in the valley depend on groundwater, which has been depleted due to overuse since the 1960s. The Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority required accurate information on the ...
Fractured Bedrock Remediation - Case Study
ABSTRACT BOS 200® successfully remediates petroleum groundwater impacts in fractured bedrock at a former truck stop. Based on the post-injection groundwater results from the pilot test and ...
Robertson Geo and Vista Clara Partner to Serve the NMR Borehole Logging Market
Robertson Geo has pioneered the development of advanced wireline instrumentation for geophysical and petrophysical applications for over 40 years and is partnering with Vista Clara, the first company to develop and introduce small and medium ...
Equipment & Solutions
S-Wave Borehole Source
The borehole source BIS-SH generates horizontally polarized shear waves (SH) and compressional waves (P). This source is used for crosshole testing and S-wave tomography. The S-wave tomography links high-resolution borehole geophysics to soil dynamic properties. S-waves need to be generated with different polarization in order to be easily recognized during data processing. Due to its shorter ...