Activated Sludge Monitoring
Articles & Whitepapers
A New Toxkit Microbiotest with the Protozoan Ciliate Tetrahymena
Abstract : Culture free microbiotests with organisms from different trophic and functional levels, e.g. bacteria, algae, rotifers and crustaceans, are presently available. This paper presents the status quo and general design of a new, ready to use multi-generation microbiotest with the standard ciliate Tetrahymena, a representative from a further ecologically relevant group - the protozoa. The ...
Doing it with data - Case Study
In 1994, the Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant in Calgary, Alta., completed the first phase of an upgrade to biological nutrient removal (BNR) after several years of testing. Bonnybrook was not ...
EPA Announces Availability of Final Test Guidelines for Antimicrobial Products -
On June 27, 2012, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of two sets of final test guidelines: Series 810 -- Product Performance Test Guidelines, specifically public health uses of disinfectants and sanitizers for ...
Equipment & Solutions
When operating in the aerobic mode, oxygen – from a supply of pure oxygen – is added in small increments into each respirometer vessel in response to oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide absorption. This mode of operation maintains a constant oxygen concentration in the headspace within the reaction vessel. Oxygen transfer from the headspace to the liquid phase is accomplished by using ...